Book Reviews

The central theme of this work is that truth is truth, whether discovered by scientists or whether revealed by God to prophets. Issues regarding apparent conflicts between these two sources of truth can be reconciled. For example, geologists provide firm evidence that the age of the earth is measured in billions of years. If we consider the seven days of the creation as described in scripture as periods of time rather than earth days as we know them, the apparent conflict is resolved. The genesis of a habitable planet such as our earth is nothing short of miraculous,considering all the requirements for life to exist. Dave Richins, who spent his career as an engineer, utilizes clever analogies from his field to strengthen his argument that the conditions produced on our planet earth that are optimal for life did not originate by chance, but serve as evidence of a marvelously intelligent creator. Likewise the majesty of the human body, from conception and embryo genesis to the marvelous complexity of individual cells and organ systems, make it difficult to conclude that it all originated by chance, but instead is the result of precise engineering and design. For me, as a scientist, this book was a fascinating read that expanded my firm belief that it was a loving, omniscient, and omnipotent Creator who utilized natural laws to assemble this beautiful planet and who made the body of man in His own image,as the scriptures profess.

William W Winder

PhD, Retired Professor of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Brigham Young University

This book is for anyone that is questioning if they can maintain their belief in God in our world of today's scientific discovery. This book enables the reader to better see how Science is currently in the process of proving what religion has known for thousands of years. There are some great quotes from the bible, as well as other great scriptural quotes from Egyptian papyrus.

The author also has many quotes from Darwin, Hawking, Einstein, Eyring, Newton, and many more scientists. There are deep dives into scientific theory about the "Big Bang", the creation of the planetary solar system, and the creation of human life. Through all of this, the author demonstrates how the scriptures are compatible with science, and how the majority of scientists believe in God.

This author utilizes his engineering career in the designing and development of flight simulators.
He does a magnificent job of showing how science is compatible with all of the revealed word of God. It is a fantastic read for all, but the book is especially good for those that wonder if scientific discovery is in conflict with religion. I highly recommend this book! It is easy to read and understand. It is fantastic!!

The book is only 263 pages, but I also recommend the audio tapes which are available from Amazon or Audible.

James Beech

Owner, Direct Mortgage Corp and Beech Enterprises

Whence Cometh Man by David A. Richins is a fascinating and enlightening read that is guaranteed to present ideas never before encountered. The author enters a virtual ideological minefield with religious adherents on one side and scientists, evolutionists, and agnostics on the other, and skillfully navigates the field, demonstrating masterfully that when it comes to the creation of the world and the origins of man and the universe–there is more to agree on than to disagree. The book is well-researched, the principles are compelling, and the information is thrilling. I thoroughly enjoyed the read and loved what I learned.

Glenn Rawson

Writer/Producer, History of the Saints, Inc.

At some point we've all had the same questions: How was the universe created? Does God really exist? Can we believe in things we can't see? How can we reconcile what science teaches us with what we learned about the Creation in Sunday School? This book does the best job I've ever seen in answering those questions. While Richins quotes the words of the scriptures and the words of the scientists, he goes much, much deeper. He takes a logical approach to consider each universal question, in turn, about the creation of the universe, the solar system, and the earth. He deftly weaves in both scientific discoveries and practical examples to prove, over and over, that it would have been virtually impossible to create all this by chance. We will never know the truth of everything in this life, Richins explains. But it is possible to fit faith and fact together, using both religion and history's evolving understanding of science to deepen our understanding and reverence for God and his unfathomable creations. Whether you appreciate science but struggle with faith, or are looking for richer understanding of God and the Creation, this book is a must read.

Steven Russell Jensen


I learned more about the interconnectivity between science and God. It has deepened my belief that there is a God and nothing is just random. It is all connected. Thank you for this thoughtful and beautifully written book.

Rosemary B

I really liked this book. It gave me lots to think about. Many unnecessary issues are created when people feel science disproves the existence of God. Science can teach how but not why, and religion teaches why but not how. Richins explains many complex systems in nature to a level that I had never considered, then poses questions to highlight the complexity – what if water froze at a different temperature? What if the tilt of the earth on its axis were different? What if the length of a day were shorter or longer? He uses the complexity as evidence of an architect in the design. Ultimately, though, he takes a step back and says science teaches how, and religion teaches why.

Brian R.

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